Why should I learn Arabic Verbs?
Learning common Arabic verbs is essential for building a strong foundation in the language. Verbs form the backbone of communication, allowing you to express actions, describe events, and convey thoughts. When you are a beginner learning Arabic, understanding how to conjugate Arabic verbs is key to progress to more advanced levels of fluency.
This blog explores 100 basic Arabic verbs, explains how to conjugate two of the most common verbs in the present tense, and offers tips for learning Arabic verbs quickly.
If you’re looking for an easy way to learn common Arabic verbs and their meanings, you’re in the right place!
100 Basic Arabic Verbs
# | English Translation | Transcription | Arabic |
1 | to taste | Dhāqa | ذَاقَ |
2 | to see | Raʼá | رَأى |
3 | to go | Dhahab | ذَهَب |
4 | to collect | Jamaʻ | جَمَع |
5 | to return | ʻĀd | عاد |
6 | to run | Rakaḍ | رَكَض |
7 | to ignore | Tajāhal | تَجاهَل |
8 | to walk | Mashá | مَشى |
9 | to talk | Taḥddath | تَحدَّث |
10 | to eat | Akal | أَكَل |
11 | to drink | Sharib | شَرِب |
12 | to wear | Labis | لَبِس |
13 | to sleep | Nāma | نام |
14 | to play | Laʻib | لَعِب |
15 | to study | Daras | دَرَس |
16 | to announce | Aʻlan | أَعلَن |
17 | to write | Katab | كَتَب |
18 | to read | Qaraʼ | قَرَأ |
19 | to laugh | Ḍaḥik | ضَحِك |
20 | to love | Ḍaḥik | أَحَبّ |
21 | to hate | Karih | كَرِه |
22 | to want | Arād | أَراد |
23 | to say | Qāla | قال |
24 | to organize | Naẓẓam | نَظَّم |
25 | to plan | Khaṭṭaṭ | خَطَّط |
26 | to book | Ḥajaz | حَجَز |
27 | to observe | Rāqab | راقَب |
28 | to analyze | Ḥallal | حَلَّل |
29 | to publish | Nashar | نَشَر |
30 | to verify | Daqqaq | دَقّق |
31 | to edit | Ḥarrar | حَرَّر |
32 | to correspond | Rāsal | راسَل |
33 | to chat | Dardash | دَردَش |
34 | to ask | Saʼal | سَأَل |
35 | to answer | Ajāb | أَجاب |
36 | to understand | Fahim | فَهِم |
37 | to buy | Ishtará | اِشتَرى |
38 | to sell | Bāʻa | باع |
39 | to hear | Samiʻ | سَمِع |
40 | to live | ʻĀsha | عاش |
41 | to die | Māta | مات |
42 | to cook | Ṭabakh | طَبَخ |
43 | to break | Kasar | كَسَر |
44 | to fix | Aṣlaḥ | أَصلَح |
45 | to travel | Sāfar | سافَر |
46 | to forget | Nasī | نَسِي |
47 | to remember | Tadhakkr | تَذَكّر |
48 | to search | Baḥath | بَحَث |
49 | to draw | Rasam | رَسَم |
50 | to cry | Baká | بَكى |
51 | to call | Nādá | نادَى |
52 | to smile | Ibtasam | اِبتَسَم |
53 | to help | Sāʻad | ساعَد |
54 | to cut | Qaṭaʻ | قَطَع |
55 | to watch | Shāhad | شاهَد |
56 | to pay | Dafaʻ | دَفَع |
57 | to carry | Ḥamal | حَمَل |
58 | to lose | Faqad | فَقَد |
59 | to find | Wajad | وَجَد |
60 | to add | Aḍāf | أَضاف |
61 | to put | Waḍaʻ | وَضَع |
62 | to lead | Qād | قاد |
63 | to leave | Kharaj | خَرَج |
64 | to go down | Nazal | نَزَل |
65 | to go up | Ṣaʻad | صَعَد |
66 | to presume | Ẓanna | ظَنَّ |
67 | to need | Iḥtāj | اِحتاج |
68 | to think | Iʻtaqad | اِعتَقَد |
69 | to try | Ḥāwal | حاوَل |
70 | to start | Badaʼ | بَدَأ |
71 | to continue | Akmal | أَكمَل |
72 | to stop | Tawaqqf | تَوَقّف |
73 | to sit | Jalas | جَلَس |
74 | to choose | Ikhtār | اِختَار |
75 | to participate | Shārak | شارَك |
76 | to wish | Tamanná | تَمَنّى |
77 | to cooperate | Taʻāwan | تَعاوَن |
78 | to build | Baná | بَنَى |
79 | to feel | Shaʻar | شَعَر |
80 | to learn | Taʻallm | تَعَلّم |
81 | to support | Sānad | سانَد |
82 | to encourage | Shajjʻ | شَجّع |
83 | to motivate | Ḥaffz | حَفّز |
84 | to inspire | Alham | أَلهَم |
85 | to clean | Naẓẓaf | نَظَّف |
86 | to discover | Istakshaf | اِستَكشَف |
87 | to attend | Ḥaḍar | حَضَر |
88 | to volunteer | Taṭawwaʻ | تَطَوَّع |
89 | to donate | Tabarraʻ | تَبَرَّع |
90 | to invest | Istathmar | اِستَثمَر |
91 | to store | Khazzan | خَزَّن |
92 | to earn | Kasib | كَسِب |
93 | to spend | Anfaq | أَنفَق |
94 | to borrow | Istaʻār | اِستَعار |
95 | to lend | Aʻār | أَعار |
96 | to give | Aʻṭá | أَعطَى |
97 | to receive | Istalam | اِستَلَم |
98 | to rent | Istaʼjar | اِستَأجَر |
99 | to negotiate | Tafāwaḍ | تَفاوَض |
100 | to call | Ittaṣal | اِتَّصَل |
Verb Conjugations in the Present Tense
Here are three common Arabic verbs from the list, conjugated in the present tense. These examples illustrate how to use basic verbs in Arabic for everyday conversation:
1. to write
to write | Transcription | كتب |
I write | Anā aktub | أَنا أَكتُب |
You write | Anta taktub | أَنتَ تَكتُب |
She writes | Hiya taktub | هِيَ تَكتُب |
He writes | Huwa yaktub | هُوَ يَكتُب |
We write | Naḥnu naktub | نَحنُ نَكتُب |
They write | Hum yaktubwn | هُم يَكتُبون |
2. to read
to read | Transcription | قرأ |
I read | Anā aqraʼ | أَنا أَقرَأ |
You read | Anta taqraʼ | أَنتَ تَقرَأ |
She reads | Hiya taqraʼ | هِيَ تَقرَأ |
He reads | Huwa yaqraʼ | هُوَ يَقرَأ |
We read | Naḥnu naqraʼ | نَحنُ نَقرَأ |
They read | Hum yaqraʼwn | هُم يَقرَؤون |
3. to go
to go | Transcription | ذهب |
I go | Anā adhhab | أَنا أَذهَب |
You go | Anta tadhhab | أَنتَ تَذهَب |
She goes | Hiya tadhhab | هِيَ تَذهَب |
He goes | Huwa yadhhab | هُوَ يَذهَب |
We go | Naḥnu nadhhab | نَحنُ نَذهَب |
They go | Hum yadhhabwn | هُم يَذهَبون |
Tips for Learning Arabic Verbs Quickly
- Start with Common Verbs: Focus on frequently used Arabic verbs to build your vocabulary.
- Learn Verb Conjugations: Practice conjugating verbs in different tenses to improve fluency.
- Use Example Sentences: Write and read sentences to see how verbs function in context.
- Understand Verb Forms: Familiarize yourself with the ten verb forms to grasp the root system.
- Practice Daily: Dedicate time each day to learning and revising verbs.
Final word
Arabic verbs open doors to meaningful communication. So make sure to understand their forms, meanings, and conjugations, so you can enhance your ability to express yourself.
Keep this list close and try to use these verbs in your every day conversations.
For more help with learning Arabic vocabulary, read How to Increase Arabic Vocabulary in 7 Steps and Top 100 Common Words in Arabic. And don’t forget to download AlifBee App for unlimited exercises.