Arabic Word of the Day: سَلَام

Word of the Day

Word of the Day




Hello and welcome back to our Arabic Word of the Day series!

Today’s word is سلام (Salām), which means peace, safety, peace of mind, and being free from imperfections and flaws. Its origin is rooted in the concept of “being safe.”

Main Meaning

This Arabic word سلام has many meanings and is used based on its context in different everyday situations.

Allah's Name السّلام

The first meaning refers to one of the names of Allah the Almighty, which is السّلام, and it is used with the definite article in Arabic “الـ” and the letter س (Seen) is doubled with Shadda (سّ).

The giver of peace




Another meaning indicates peace, safety, peaceful living, and the state that is opposite of war.

In my country, we live in peace.

Fī baladī naʻīshu bisalāmin

فِي بَلَدِي نَعِيشُ بِسَلَامٍ


The word also means accepting and embracing everything, and from which comes the name of the religion “إسلام” “Islam”. In this context, the word represents the acceptance of divine commands.

Physical and psychological well-being

Sometimes the word is used in the context of external danger that is evaded or overcome in peace and safety. In other words, when someone enjoys physical and psychological well-being after emerging from danger unharmed. In English, the word, in this context is translated to “safely”. Check the following examples:

I returned safely from my trip.

Udtu min aalssafari bisalāmin

عُدْتُ مِنْ اَلسَّفَرِ بِسَلَامٍ

We reached the sea shore safely.

Waṣalanā shāṭiʼu aalbaḥri bisalāmin

وَصَلَنَا شَاطِئُ اَلْبَحْرِ بِسَلَامٍ


The term “السلام” (As-salam) “peace” often collocates with other words to give specific meanings, such as:

Peace be upon you

Aalssalām ʻalaykum

اَلسَّلَام عَلَيْكُمْ


This is the greeting of Muslims and its response is “Peace be upon you, too” (Waʻalaykum aalssalāmu) وَعَلَيْكُمْ اَلسَّلَامُ, and it is the greeting of the people of Paradise, as God Almighty says in the Quran;

Taḥīyatuhum fīhā salāmun

تَحِيَّتُهُمْ فِيهَا سَلَامٌ – سورة يونس، آية ١٠


Salam (Peace, safe from each and every evil) will be their greetings therein (Paradise)!” Surat Yunus – 10

Dwelling of Peace

Dāru assalāmi

دَارُ اَلسَّلَامِ


The dwelling of peace here means “Paradise.”

Abd Al-Salam

Abdu assalām

عَبْدُ اَلسَّلَامْ


A male name that means one who worships Allah As-Salam

Dove of Peace

Ḥamāmatu assalāmi

حَمَامَة اَلسَّلَامِ


This Arabic expression represents a white bird holding a green branch, symbolizing peace.

Pathways to Peace

Subulu as-salāmi

سُبُلُ اَلسَّلَامِ


Ways of ensuring survival and safety


Derived from the same root, other words include:

One who does not harm anyone.



Undamaged or unharmed.






The religion of Islam



One who follows Islam.



In Quran

وَإِذَا جَاءَكَ الَّذِينَ يُؤْمِنُونَ بِآيَاتِنَا فَقُلْ سَلَامٌ عَلَيْكُمْ ٥٤ – سورة الأنعام

When those who believe in Our Ayat come to you, say: “Salamun `Alaykum” (peace be on you)

Surat Al-Ana’am – Verse 54

In Hadith

We have a number of variations of the word Salam appearing in Hadith by the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him)

A Muslim is one from whose hand and tongue the Muslims are safe.

Aalmuslimu man sallama aalmuslimūna min lisānihi wayadihi

اَلْمُسْلِمُ مَنْ سَلمَ اَلْمُسْلِمُونَ مِنْ لِسَانِهِ وَيَدِهِ

In Poetry

We have also this verse in Arabic poetry:

Greetings to a land made for peace, a land that bore witness to none.

Salāmun liʼarḍin khuliqat lilssalāmi wamā raʼat yawman salāman

سَلَامٌ لِأَرْضٍ خُلِقَتْ لِلسَّلَامِ وَمَا رَأَتْ يَوْمًا سَلَامًا


Finally, synonyms for the term “peace” (Salām) سلام exist in Arabic, such as the words “safety” and “peace of mind,” all carrying the same meaning. 

Thus, we can say:







Peace of mind




Now, if you liked today’s word, check Word of the Day page to learn more common word. Also, to understand more about Arabic culture and Arabic words, we invite you to visit our free Planner to enrich your Arabic vocabulary and learn more about the Arabic language. 

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Dania Ghraoui
Dania has worked as a language instructor and translator for almost 10 years. She has a special interest in the Arabic language and learning methods.
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