8 Ways to Express Surprise in Arabic

ways to express surprise in Arabic

8 Ways to Express Surprise in Arabic

Welcome to our newest blog post with another essential set of everyday phrases and expressions in Arabic.

Today, we will learn eight ways to express surprise in Arabic. When something surprising happens to us, finding the words to express how we feel can be challenging. That’s why I brought you some useful expressions in Arabic to express your feelings in moments of astonishment, shock, and awe. As always, I prepared some useful sentences to see how these expressions are used in everyday speech.

Are you ready to start today’s learning journey?

Here we go!

Phrase 1: !.. ما أَروَعَ

What a wonderful … !

Mā arwaʻa .. !



What a wonderful weather!

ما أروعَ الطقس!

What a wonderful view!

ما أروعَ المنظر!

What a wonderful movie!

ما أروعَ الفيلم!

Phrase 2: !يا إِلَهي

Oh, my God!

Yā ilahy!



Oh, my God! What's this news?

يا إلهي! ما هذه الأخبار؟

Oh, my God! I forgot my notebook!

يا إلهي! لقد نسيت دفتري!

Oh, my God! I forgot the appointment!

يا إلهي! لقد نسيت الموعد!

Phrase 3: يا (لَهُ / لَها) مِن … + صفة

What a + … + Adjective

Yā (lahu / lahā) min …



What a beautiful day.

يا له من يومٍ جميلٍ!

What a tall man.

يا له من رجلٍ طويلٍ!

What a pretty girl.

يا لها من بنتٍ جميلةٍ!

Phrase 4: ما رَأيتُ مِثلَ هَذا … في حَيَاتي

I haven’t seen such a … in my life!

Mā raʼytu mithla hadhā … fī ḥayāty!



I haven’t seen such a statue in my life!

ما رأيتُ مثلَ هذا التمثال في حياتي!

I haven’t seen such a beauty in my life!

ما رأيتُ مثلَ هذا الجمال في حياتي!

I haven’t seen such a house in my life!

ما رأيتُ مثلَ هذا البيت في حياتي!

Phrase 5: كَم هُوَ … + صفة

How … + adjective

Kam huwa …



How smart he is!

كم هو ذكيٌّ!

How short he is!

كم هو قصيرٌ!

How fast he is!

كم هو سريعٌ!

Phrase 6: ...مِنَ العَجيبِ أَن

It’s surprising that …

Mina alʻajybi an …



It’s surprising that the sky color is orange!

من العجيبِ أنّ لون السّماء برتقاليٌّ!

It’s surprising that you speak 4 languages!

من العجيبِ أنّك تتحدّث أربع لغاتٍ!

It’s surprising that you finished the exam in just a quarter of an hour!

من العجيبِ أنّك أنهيت الامتحان خلال ربع ساعةٍ فقط!

Phrase 7: ...مِنَ المُدهِشِ أَن

It’s astonishing that …

Mina almudhishi an …



It’s astonishing that time passed quickly!

من المدهش أنَّ الوقت مرَّ بسرعة

It’s astonishing that you learned Arabic in only four months!

من المدهش أنّك تعلّمت العربيّة خلال أربعة أشهرٍ فقط

It’s astonishing that it’s raining in this hot summer!

من المدهش أنّ المطرَ يهطل في هذا الصّيف الحارِّ

Phrase 6: ... لَم يَخطُر بِبالِي

I never thought …

Lam yakhṭur bibālī …



I never thought you knew how to drive a car!!

لم يخطر ببالي أنّك تعرف كيف تقود السّيارة!

I never thought you’d come with us!

لم يخطر ببالي أن تأتي معنا!

I never thought it would rain today!

لم يخطر ببالي أن تمطر اليوم!

Final word

We hope you’ve enjoyed our journey through the eight ways to express surprise in Arabic.
Practice and use these phrases and expressions in Arabic in your conversations, and you’ll become a more engaging and expressive Arabic speaker.

Don’t forget to download our app for more useful exercises and read more similar blogs here.
Keep up the good work, and see you in future blogs!

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