8 Popular Arabic Phrases to Express Happiness

Arabic Phrases to Express Happiness

8 Popular Arabic Phrases to Express Happiness

When we’re filled with happiness, we instinctively want to share that joy with our loved ones, but finding the right words isn’t always easy. In a language you’re still learning, it can be even more challenging.

Today, I’ll guide you through 6 popular Arabic phrases to express happiness and joy. Along with these phrases, I’ll provide examples to help you confidently use them in the right context.

Phrase 1: أنا سعيدٌ جدًا

I'm very happy

Anā saʻydun jidan



I'm very happy because I graduated from university.

أنا سعيدٌ جدًا لأنّني تخرجت في الجامعة.

I'm very happy to see my family after a long absence.

أنا سعيدٌ جدًا لرؤية عائلتي بعد طول غياب.

I'm very happy because I got a promotion at work.

أنا سعيدٌ جدًا لأنّني حصلت على ترقية في العمل.

Phrase 2: أَنا في غَايةِ السُّرور

I'm very pleased

Anā fī ghāyti alssurwr



I’m very pleased I was able to help you

أنا في غاية السرور لأنّني تمكّنت من مساعدتك.

I'm very pleased because I passed the exam.

أنا في غاية السرور لأنّني نجحت في الاختبار.

I'm very pleased because I'm traveling to a new country.

أنا في غاية السرور لأنّني سأسافر إلى بلدٍ جديدٍ.

Phrase 3: مِمّا يَملأُ القَلبَ فَرَحًا

It fills the heart with joy

Mimmā yamlʼu alqalba faraḥan



It fills the heart with joy to see my kids excel in school

مما يملأ القلب فرحًا رؤية أطفالي يتفوّقون في المدرسة.

It fills the heart with joy to hear good news about my friends.

مما يملأ القلب فرحًا سماع الأخبار الجيّدة عن أصدقائي.

It fills the heart with joy to bring gifts for the children.

مما يملأ القلب فرحًا إحضار الهدايا للأطفال.

Phrase 4: مِن دَواعِي سُروري

It's my pleasure to

Min dawāʻī surwry



It’s my pleasure to invite you to my daughter’s wedding on Friday

مِن دواعي سروري أن أدعوكم إلى زفاف ابنتي يوم الجمعة.

It's my pleasure to provide support to those who need it.

من دواعي سروري تقديم الدعم لمن يحتاجه.

It's my pleasure to host you in my home.

من دواعي سروري استضافتكم في منزلي.

Phrase 5: كادَ قَلبي يَطيرُ فَرَحًا

My heart leapt with joy

Kāda qalby yaṭyru faraḥan



My heart leapt with joy when I saw my childhood friend

كاد قلبي يطير فرحًا عندما رأيتُ صديق الطفولة.

My heart leapt with joy when I received the news that I was blessed with a child.

كاد قلبي يطيرُ فرحًا عندما تلقّيت الخبر بأنّني رزقت بطفل.

My heart leapt with joy when I won the grand prize.

كاد قلبي يطيرُ فرحًا عندما فزت بالجائزة الكبرى.

Phrase 6: لَيسَ هُناكَ أَجملُ مِن

There is nothing more beautiful than

Laysa hunāka ajmlu min



There is nothing more beautiful than listening to the sound of nature.

ليس هناك أجملُ من الاستماع إلى صوت الطّبيعة.

There is nothing more beautiful than having friends around during difficult times.

ليس هناك أجملُ من تواجد الأصدقاء في الأوقات الصّعبة.

There is nothing more beautiful than volunteering to help others.

ليس هناك أجملُ من العمل التّطوعي من أجل مساعدة الآخرين.

Phrase 7: اِنشَرَحَ صَدري لَه

It filled my heart with joy

Insharaḥa ṣadry lah



I listened to the Quran, and it filled my heart with joy.

سَمِعْتُ القُرآنَ فَانشَرَحَ صَدْري لَهُ.

I saw the apartment, and it filled my heart with joy.

رَأَيْتُ الشَّقَّةَ فَانشَرَحَ صَدْري لَهَا

Words of truth always fill my heart with joy

كَلِمَةُ الحَقِّ يَنْشَرِحُ لَهَا صَدْري.

Phrase 8: أَثْلَجَ صَدْرِي

It warmed my heart

Athlaja ṣadrī



I passed the exam, and that warmed my heart.

نَجَحْتُ في الاِمْتِحَانِ فَأَثْلَجَ ذَلِكَ صَدْرِي.

My father's discharge from the hospital filled my heart with relief (warmed my heart).

خُروجُ وَالِدِي مِنَ المُسْتَشْفَى أَثْلَجَ صَدْرِي.

My team won the cup, and that warmed my heart.

فَوزُ فَريقي بِالكَأسِ أَثلَجَ صَدري.

In the last expression, Arabic uses a different word to convey happiness and relief. The verb أثلج (athlaja) in Arabic means ‘to cause a cool feeling.’ Since many Arabic-speaking countries are hot for most of the year, feeling a chill is associated with a sense of relief. In contrast, English uses the opposite expression, ‘to warm,’ to convey a similar feeling, as warmth is comforting in colder climates.

Final word

Finally, remember that the Arabic language is versatile and rich in ways to express emotions and ideas. I hope these expressions will help you easily find the right words when you’re feeling happy.

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Dania Ghraoui
Dania has worked as a language instructor and translator for almost 10 years. She has a special interest in the Arabic language and learning methods.
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