Arabic language is rich in wisdom, culture, and profound insights. For centuries, Arabic proverbs and quotes have been passed down through generations, offering guidance on life, success, and human nature.
At AlifBee Blog, we believe that language learning goes beyond grammar and vocabulary—it’s about understanding the culture and wisdom behind the words.
In this blog post, we’ve gathered 28 inspiring Arabic quotes, one for each letter in the Arabic Alphabet. You are also given their translations from Arabic to English.
Whether you’re learning Arabic or simply seeking motivation, these quotes will resonate with you and provide valuable life lessons.
So let’s get started!
28 Arabic Quotes for Every Arabic Letter
The following Arabic quotes cover all letters in the alphabet. You can see the Arabic letter at the start of the first word of the quote.
Letter Alif - ( أ )
Fulfill your trust, and you will be safe and rewarded.
Addi alʼmānta taslam wtaghnam
أدّ الأمانةَ تَسلَم وتَغنَم
This quote emphasizes the importance of honesty and integrity. When you honor your commitments, you gain trust and respect.
Letter Baa - ( ب )
The beginning of success is an idea, and its end is action.
Bidāytu alnnjāḥi fikrtun, wanihāyatuhu ʻamalun
بِدايةُ النّجاحِ فِكرةٌ، وَنِهايَتُهُ عَمَلٌ
Dreams are the seeds of success, but they only bear fruit through hard work and determination.
Letter Taa - ( ت )
Self-discipline is harder than raising children.
Tarbītu alnnafsi aṣʻabu min tarbīti alʼbnāʼi
تَربِيةُ النّفسِ أصعَبُ مِن تَربِيةِ الأبناءِ
Mastering yourself is one of life’s greatest challenges, but it’s also the most rewarding.
Letter Thaa - ( ث )
A person's wealth lies in their mind and character.
Tharwtu alʼnsāni fī ʻaqlihi wakhuluqihi
ثَروةُ الإنسانِ فِي عَقلِهِ وَخُلُقِهِ
Material possessions may come and go, but knowledge and good character are eternal treasures.
Letter Jeem - ( ج )
The beauty of character lasts longer than the beauty of faces.
Jamālu alʼkhlāqi yadwmu akthara min jamāli alwujwhi
جَمالُ الأخلاقِ يَدومُ أكثَرَ مِن جَمالِ الوُجوهِ
Inner beauty shines brighter and endures longer than physical appearance.
Letter Haa - ( ح )
Having a positive outlook is a trait of the great.
Ḥusnu alẓẓnni min shiyami alʻuẓamāʼi
حُسنُ الظّنِّ مِن شِيَمِ العُظَماءِ
Great minds see the good in every situation and inspire others to do the same.
Letter Khaa - ( خ )
Losing time is worse than losing money.
Khasārtu alwaqti ashaddu min khasārti almāli
خَسارةُ الوَقتِ أشَدُّ مِن خَسارةِ المالِ
Time is a non-renewable resource—use it wisely.
Letter Daal - ( د )
Nothing stays the same forever.
Dawāmu alḥāli mina almuḥāli
دَوامُ الحالِ مِنَ المُحالِ
Embrace change, for it is the only constant in life.
Letter Dhaal - ( ذ )
A person's intelligence lies in their ability to remain silent.
Dhakāʼu almurʼi fī qudratihi ʻalá alṣṣmti
ذَكاءُ المُرءِ فِي قُدرَتِهِ عَلَى الصّمتِ
Sometimes, the wisest thing you can do is listen.
Letter Raa - ( ر )
Be gentle with those around you, for gentleness is the key to hearts.
Rifqan biman ḥawlaka, fālrrifqu miftāḥu alqulwbi
رِفقًا بِمَن حَولَكَ، فالرِّفقُ مِفتاحُ القُلوبِ
Kindness and compassion can bridge even the widest gaps.
Letter Zai - ( ز )
The one who sows kindness reaps goodness.
Zāriʻu almaʻrwfi yaḥṣudu alkhayra
زَارِعُ المَعروفِ يَحصُدُ الخَيرَ
Acts of kindness create a ripple effect of positivity.
Letter Seen - ( س )
Forgive others, and God will forgive you.
Sāmiḥi alnnāsa yusāmiḥka allhu.
سامِحِ النّاسَ يُسامِحكَ اللهُ.
Letting go of grudges frees your soul and brings peace.
Letter Sheen - ( ش )
Courage shows itself in times of hardship.
Shajāʻtu alnnfsi taẓharu ʻinda alshshdāʼidi
شَجاعةُ النّفسِ تَظهَرُ عِندَ الشّدائِدِ
True strength is revealed when faced with challenges.
Letter Saad - ( ص )
Keep company with the good, for they are your mirror.
Ṣāḥibi alʼkhyāra, faʼnnhum mirʼātuka
صاحِبِ الأخيارَ، فَإنّهُم مِرآتُكَ
The people you surround yourself with reflect who you are.
Letter Dhaad - ( ض )
Put goodness in your path, and you will find it in your life
Ḍaʻi alkhayra fī ṭarīqika tajidhu fī ḥayātika
ضَعِ الخَيرَ فِي طَرِيقِكَ تَجِدهُ فِي حَياتِكَ
What you give to the world comes back to you.
Letter Ṭaa - ( ط )
The path to success begins with a single step.
Ṭarīqu alnnjāḥi yabdaʼu bikhuṭwtin
طَرِيقُ النّجاحِ يَبدَأُ بِخُطوةٍ
Every journey starts with the courage to take the first step.
Letter Ẓaa - ( ظ )
The shade of a tree is only given after the effort of planting it.
Ẓillu alshshjarti lā yumnaḥu illā baʻda juhdin fī zirāʻatihā
ظِلُّ الشّجَرةِ لا يُمنَحُ إلّا بَعدَ جُهدٍ فِي زِراعَتِها
Hard work and patience lead to lasting rewards.
Letter ʻAyn - ( ع )
Knowledge without action is like a tree without fruit
ʻIlmun bilā ʻamalin kashajartin bilā thamarin
عِلمٌ بِلا عَمَلٍ كَشَجَرةٍ بِلا ثَمَرٍ
Apply what you learn to make a meaningful impact.
Letter Ghyn - ( غ )
The height of wisdom is knowing the limits of your ignorance.
Ghāytu alḥikmti an taʻrifa ḥudwda jahlika
غايةُ الحِكمةِ أن تَعرِفَ حُدودَ جَهلِكَ
True wisdom lies in recognizing what you don’t know.
Letter Faa' - ( ف )
In patience, there is safety, and in haste, there is regret.
Fī alttʼnny alsslāmtu, wafī alʻajalti alnndāmatu
فِي التّأنّي السّلامةُ، وَفِي العَجَلةِ النّدامَةُ
Take your time—good things come to those who wait.
Letter Qaaf - ( ق )
A person's strength lies in their mind, not their body.
Qwwtu alʼnsāni fī ʻaqlihi, lā fī jasadihi
قوّةُ الإنسانِ فِي عَقلِهِ، لا فِي جَسَدِهِ
Mental resilience is the foundation of true strength.
Letter Kaaf - ( ك )
Abundance of gratitude increases blessings
Kathrtu alshshkri tazīdu alnnʻama
كَثرةُ الشّكرِ تَزِيدُ النّعَمَ
The more you appreciate what you have, the more you attract.
Letter Laam - ( ل )
Do not postpone today's work until tomorrow
Lā tuʼajjil ʻamala alyawmi ilá alghadi
لا تُؤَجّل عَمَلَ اليَومِ إلى الغَدِ
Procrastination steals time—act now to achieve your goals.
Letter Meem - ( م )
Whoever covets what is in the hands of others will find their own hands empty
Man taṭallʻa ilá mā fī yadi ghayrihi baqiyat yaduhu fārightan
مَن تَطَلّعَ إلَى ما فِي يَدِ غَيرِهِ بَقِيَت يَدُهُ فارِغةً
Focus on your own journey instead of comparing yourself to others.
Letter Noon - ( ن )
Purity of heart brings love.
Naqāʼu alqalbi yajlibu almaḥabbta
نَقاءُ القَلبِ يَجلِبُ المَحَبّةَ
A clean heart attracts love and positivity.
Letter Haa' - ( ه )
Inner peace stems from the contentment of the soul.
Hudwʼu alnnfsi yanbuʻu min riḍā alrrwḥi
هُدوءُ النّفسِ يَنبُعُ مِن رِضا الرّوحِ
True peace comes from within.
Letter Waw - ( و )
The loyalty of a friend is the most precious treasure on Earth
Wafāʼu alṣṣadīqi athmanu kunwzi alʼrḍi
وَفاءُ الصّدِيقِ أثمَنُ كُنوزِ الأرضِ
Cherish the friends who stand by you through thick and thin.
Letter Yaa' - ( ي )
Your day is your opportunity, so seize it.
Yawmuka hwa furṣatuka, fāghtanimhā
يَومُكَ هوَ فُرصَتُكَ، فاغتَنِمها
Every day is a chance to create something meaningful—don’t waste it.
Final word
These 28 Arabic quotes, translated Arabic to English, offer timeless wisdom that transcends language and culture. Whether you’re learning Arabic or simply seeking inspiration, these quotes remind us of the values that truly matter: integrity, kindness, hard work, and gratitude.
At AlifBee Blog, we’re passionate about helping you explore the beauty of the Arabic language and culture. If you enjoyed this post, don’t forget to share it with your friends and leave a comment below with your favorite quote!
For more language tips, cultural insights, and inspiring content, read our blog series on Arabic Alphabet. You can also explore more Arabic proverbs in our blog series.
مع السلامة! (Ma’a as-salama – Goodbye!)