
Arabic Workplace Phrases: 8 Essential Expressions to Talk about Jobs and Career with Ease


by Dania Ghraoui

Arabic Workplace Phrases

Arabic Workplace Phrases

When you start your journey to learn Arabic, you will find a wide range of opportunities to connect with people, cultures, and the professional world. Arabic will help you to communicate in different situations, proving especially helpful in the workplace if you are working in an Arab country or when discussing topics related to jobs and careers. Therefore, it is crucial to know the right phrase to use in Arabic in order to convey your thoughts and aspirations. In this blog post, we’ll introduce you to 8 essential Arabic phrases that will help you steer conversations about jobs with confidence. 

These Arabic phrases will prove to be invaluable tools in your language-learning arsenal whether you’re attending a networking event or discussing your professional life with Arabic-speaking friends.  Moreover, talking about jobs is also one of the key small-talk topics to use in gatherings. (You can read our full blog on Small Talk here) 

Are you ready to level up your language and your prospects?  Let’s start!

Arabic Phrases about Jobs and Career


1. مَا هِيَ وَظِيفَتُكَ ؟

Mā hiya waẓīfatuka? – (What is your job?)

This simple yet essential question helps you inquire about someone’s profession. Whether you’re attending a networking event or making small talk with a new acquaintance, asking about their job is a great way to break the ice and learn more about them.


2. أَيْنَ تَعْمَلُ ؟

Ayna taʻmalu? – (Where do you work?)

Knowing where someone works can provide valuable context for further conversation. This question allows you to gain insight into their daily work environment, company culture, and industry.


3. كَيْفَ اِخْتَرْتَ مِهْنَتَكَ ؟ 

Kayfa ikhtarta mihnataka? – (How did you choose your profession?)

This question delves deeper into a person’s career journey and can spark interesting discussions about their passions, goals, and experiences that led them to their current profession.


4. فِي أَيِّ قِسْمٍ تَعْمَلُ ؟

Fī ayyi qismin taʻmalu? – (In which department do you work?)

 Asking about someone’s department helps you better understand their role within the organization and the specific tasks they’re responsible for. This information can be useful for networking purposes or when exploring potential job opportunities.


5. هَلْ تُوَظِّفُونَ حَالِيًّا ؟ 

Hal tuwaẓẓifūna ḥālīyan? – (Are you currently hiring?)

 If you’re searching for a job, this question is crucial to identify potential employment opportunities. It also lets you express interest in working for a specific company or industry.


6. لَدَيَّ مُقَابَلَةُ عَمَلٍ غَدًا

Ladayya muqābalatu ʻamalin ghadan – (I have a job interview tomorrow)

Sharing news about an upcoming job interview can lead to valuable advice, encouragement, or even job leads from your conversation partner.


7. كَيْفَ يُمْكِنُنِي اَلتَّقَدُّمُ لِهَذِهِ اَلْوَظِيفَةِ ؟

Ladayya muqābalatu ʻamalin ghadan – (How can I apply for this job?)

 When you’ve identified a job opportunity that interests you, this phrase will help you gather information on the application process, required documents, and any potential deadlines.


8. أُتْقِنُ اَلْعَدِيدَ مِنَ اَلمَهَارَاتِ

Utqinu aalʻadīda mina aalmahārāti – (I have many skills.)

Highlighting your skills and abilities is essential when discussing job opportunities or showcasing your professional accomplishments. This phrase allows you to emphasize your strengths and expertise confidently.


Real-life Scenarios


Job Interview in Arabic

Now let’s see how we can use some of these expressions in a real-life situation at work. In this scenario, we have a job interview setting where an applicant meets the interviewer and discusses their qualifications and experience. The conversation touches on various aspects of the applicant’s background and their potential fit in the company.  

Job Interview

Interviewer: مرحبًا، كيف يمكنني مساعدتك اليوم؟ (Hello, how can I help you today?)

Applicant: مرحبًا، أنا هنا لمقابلة العمل. (Hello, I’m here for the job interview.)

Interviewer: هل يمكنني معرفة مؤهّلاتك؟ (Can I know your qualifications?)

Applicant: نعم بالطّبع. لديّ درجةُ البكالوريوس في إدارة الأعمال وخبرةٌ خمسةُ سنوات في الّتسويق.

(Yes, of course. I have a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and 5 years of experience in marketing.)

Interviewer: ممتاز. كيف اخترت مهنتك؟ (Excellent. How did you choose your profession?)

Applicant: كنت دائمًا مهتمًا بكيفيّة تأثير الإعلانات والترويج على قرارات المستهلكين، لذا قرّرت دراسة التسويق والعمل في هذا المجال.

(I was always interested in how advertisements and promotions influence consumer decisions, so I decided to study marketing and work in this field.)

Interviewer: جيدٌ جدًا. ما الذي يمكن أن تقّدمه لشركتنا؟

(Very good. What can you bring to our company?)

Applicant: أُتقنُ العديد من المهارات مثلَ الاتّصال الفعّال والتّفكير الإبداعيّ، وأعتقد أنّني يمكن أن أكون إضافة قيّمة لفريق التّسويق الخاصّ بِكم.

(I have many skills such as effective communication and creative thinking, and I believe I could be a valuable addition to your marketing team.)

Interviewer: شكراً لك. سنتّصل بك قريبًا بعد اتّخاذ قرارنا.

(Thank you. We will contact you soon after making our decision.)



We hope you’ve found these 8 essential Arabic phrases for discussing jobs and careers both valuable and enlightening. Make sure to use these phrases in your conversations, so you can express yourself more effectively and also foster a deeper understanding of the Arabic language and connect with others on a professional level. 

Continue to practice and refine your language skills, and soon you’ll be able to navigate the world of jobs and careers with ease in Arabic. 

Don’t forget to share this post with fellow Arabic learners and language enthusiasts, and happy learning!

Now that you have learned essential phrases in Arabic to use in the workplace, you can take our Quiz to test yourself. Our carefully designed quiz will help you retain the information learned in this blog or just have further practice on the new phrases. 

One last thing. Take a minute to check our special Planner that you can use to speed up your learning journey. We designed this planner to offer a rich 30-page worksheet accompanied by over 200 practical exercises and activities. You will find it an effective tool to reinforce your acquired knowledge and newly learned language and propel your learning journey with plenty of practice opportunities.



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Arabic Workplace Phrases

Arabic Workplace Phrases

When you start your journey to learn Arabic, you will find a wide range of opportunities to connect with people, cultures, and the professional world. Arabic will help you to communicate in different situations, proving especially helpful in the workplace if you are working in an Arab country or when discussing topics related to jobs and careers. Therefore, it is crucial to know the right phrase to use in Arabic in order to convey your thoughts and aspirations. In this blog post, we’ll introduce you to 8 essential Arabic phrases that will help you steer conversations about jobs with confidence. 

These Arabic phrases will prove to be invaluable tools in your language-learning arsenal whether you’re attending a networking event or discussing your professional life with Arabic-speaking friends.  Moreover, talking about jobs is also one of the key small-talk topics to use in gatherings. (You can read our full blog on Small Talk here) 

Are you ready to level up your language and your prospects?  Let’s start!

Arabic Phrases about Jobs and Career


1. مَا هِيَ وَظِيفَتُكَ ؟

Mā hiya waẓīfatuka? – (What is your job?)

This simple yet essential question helps you inquire about someone’s profession. Whether you’re attending a networking event or making small talk with a new acquaintance, asking about their job is a great way to break the ice and learn more about them.


2. أَيْنَ تَعْمَلُ ؟

Ayna taʻmalu? – (Where do you work?)

Knowing where someone works can provide valuable context for further conversation. This question allows you to gain insight into their daily work environment, company culture, and industry.


3. كَيْفَ اِخْتَرْتَ مِهْنَتَكَ ؟ 

Kayfa ikhtarta mihnataka? – (How did you choose your profession?)

This question delves deeper into a person’s career journey and can spark interesting discussions about their passions, goals, and experiences that led them to their current profession.


4. فِي أَيِّ قِسْمٍ تَعْمَلُ ؟

Fī ayyi qismin taʻmalu? – (In which department do you work?)

 Asking about someone’s department helps you better understand their role within the organization and the specific tasks they’re responsible for. This information can be useful for networking purposes or when exploring potential job opportunities.


5. هَلْ تُوَظِّفُونَ حَالِيًّا ؟ 

Hal tuwaẓẓifūna ḥālīyan? – (Are you currently hiring?)

 If you’re searching for a job, this question is crucial to identify potential employment opportunities. It also lets you express interest in working for a specific company or industry.


6. لَدَيَّ مُقَابَلَةُ عَمَلٍ غَدًا

Ladayya muqābalatu ʻamalin ghadan – (I have a job interview tomorrow)

Sharing news about an upcoming job interview can lead to valuable advice, encouragement, or even job leads from your conversation partner.


7. كَيْفَ يُمْكِنُنِي اَلتَّقَدُّمُ لِهَذِهِ اَلْوَظِيفَةِ ؟

Ladayya muqābalatu ʻamalin ghadan – (How can I apply for this job?)

 When you’ve identified a job opportunity that interests you, this phrase will help you gather information on the application process, required documents, and any potential deadlines.


8. أُتْقِنُ اَلْعَدِيدَ مِنَ اَلمَهَارَاتِ

Utqinu aalʻadīda mina aalmahārāti – (I have many skills.)

Highlighting your skills and abilities is essential when discussing job opportunities or showcasing your professional accomplishments. This phrase allows you to emphasize your strengths and expertise confidently.


Real-life Scenarios


Job Interview in Arabic

Now let’s see how we can use some of these expressions in a real-life situation at work. In this scenario, we have a job interview setting where an applicant meets the interviewer and discusses their qualifications and experience. The conversation touches on various aspects of the applicant’s background and their potential fit in the company.  

Job Interview

Interviewer: مرحبًا، كيف يمكنني مساعدتك اليوم؟ (Hello, how can I help you today?)

Applicant: مرحبًا، أنا هنا لمقابلة العمل. (Hello, I’m here for the job interview.)

Interviewer: هل يمكنني معرفة مؤهّلاتك؟ (Can I know your qualifications?)

Applicant: نعم بالطّبع. لديّ درجةُ البكالوريوس في إدارة الأعمال وخبرةٌ خمسةُ سنوات في الّتسويق.

(Yes, of course. I have a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and 5 years of experience in marketing.)

Interviewer: ممتاز. كيف اخترت مهنتك؟ (Excellent. How did you choose your profession?)

Applicant: كنت دائمًا مهتمًا بكيفيّة تأثير الإعلانات والترويج على قرارات المستهلكين، لذا قرّرت دراسة التسويق والعمل في هذا المجال.

(I was always interested in how advertisements and promotions influence consumer decisions, so I decided to study marketing and work in this field.)

Interviewer: جيدٌ جدًا. ما الذي يمكن أن تقّدمه لشركتنا؟

(Very good. What can you bring to our company?)

Applicant: أُتقنُ العديد من المهارات مثلَ الاتّصال الفعّال والتّفكير الإبداعيّ، وأعتقد أنّني يمكن أن أكون إضافة قيّمة لفريق التّسويق الخاصّ بِكم.

(I have many skills such as effective communication and creative thinking, and I believe I could be a valuable addition to your marketing team.)

Interviewer: شكراً لك. سنتّصل بك قريبًا بعد اتّخاذ قرارنا.

(Thank you. We will contact you soon after making our decision.)



We hope you’ve found these 8 essential Arabic phrases for discussing jobs and careers both valuable and enlightening. Make sure to use these phrases in your conversations, so you can express yourself more effectively and also foster a deeper understanding of the Arabic language and connect with others on a professional level. 

Continue to practice and refine your language skills, and soon you’ll be able to navigate the world of jobs and careers with ease in Arabic. 

Don’t forget to share this post with fellow Arabic learners and language enthusiasts, and happy learning!

Now that you have learned essential phrases in Arabic to use in the workplace, you can take our Quiz to test yourself. Our carefully designed quiz will help you retain the information learned in this blog or just have further practice on the new phrases. 

One last thing. Take a minute to check our special Planner that you can use to speed up your learning journey. We designed this planner to offer a rich 30-page worksheet accompanied by over 200 practical exercises and activities. You will find it an effective tool to reinforce your acquired knowledge and newly learned language and propel your learning journey with plenty of practice opportunities.



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