6 Phrases to Express Anger in Arabic

Phrases to express anger

6 Phrases to Express Anger in Arabic

In many cultures, expressing anger is considered impolite or even taboo. However, in Arabic culture, it is not uncommon to express emotions, including anger, clearly and directly. 


In this blog post, we will explore six key Arabic phrases that can help you express your anger, say that you’ve had enough, or try to draw boundaries with people who cross them. We will see these phrases in examples in different contexts to give you an idea of the right situation to use each one.


Are you ready? 

Here we go.

Phrase 1: !أَنا غاضِبٌ

I’m angry!

Anā ghāḍibun



I'm angry because I missed my train.

أنا غاضبٌ لأنّني فوّتُ القطار.

I'm angry at the way I was treated by the customer service representative.

أنا غاضبٌ من الطّريقة التي يُعاملني بها ممثل خدمة العملاء.

I'm angry because my neighbor's dog barks all night.

أنا غاضبٌ لأنَّ كلب جاري ينبَح طوال اللّيل.

Phrase 2: !كَفَى





Enough! I've had it with your excuses.

كفى! سئمت من أعذارك.

Enough! I’m done with your lies.

كفى! سئمت من أكاذيبك.

Enough! I’ve had it with your rudeness.

كفى! سئمت من وقاحتك.

Phrase 3: !تَوَقَّف

Stop it!




Stop it! You're wasting my time.

توقّف! أنت تضيّع وقتي.

Stop it! I'm done with this conversation.

توقّف! لقد اكتفيت من هذه المحادثة.

Stop it! I don't want to hear your complaints.

توقّف! لا أريد أن أسمع شكاويك.

Phrase 4: !طَفحَ الكَيل

That’s it!

Ṭafḥa alkayl



That’s it! I’ve seen enough.

طفح الكيل! لقد رأيت بما فيه الكفاية.

That's it! I'm tired of your constant interruptions during meetings.

طفح الكيل! لقد سئمت من مقاطعتك المستمرة خلال الاجتماعات.

That's it! I've had enough of your lies and manipulation.

طفح الكيل! لقد سئمت من كذبك واستغلالك.

Phrase 5: ...لَقَد تَخَطّيتَ حُدودَك \ لقد تَمادَيتَ كَثيرًا

You’ve crossed your boundaries/You’ve gone too far …

Laqad takhaṭṭyta ḥudwdak / Laqad tamādayta kathyran …



You’ve crossed your boundaries at work.

لقد تخطّيتَ حدودك في العمل.

You've gone too far with your lies. I can't trust you anymore.

لقد تماديتَ كثيرًا بأكاذيبك، لن أتمكّن من الوثوق بك بعد الآن.

You’ve crossed your boundaries when talking to me.

لقد تخطّيتَ حدودك في حديثك معي.

Phrase 6: !لا تَتَدَخَّل فيما لا يَعنِيك

Mind your own business

Lā tatadakhkhal fīmā lā yaʻnīk!



Mind your own business! You have no right to interfere in my personal life.

لا تتدخّل فيما لا يعنيك! ليس لديك الحقّ بالتدخّلِ في حياتي الشّخصيّة.

Mind your own business! I'm capable of making my own decisions.

لا تتدخّل فيما لا يعنيك! أنا قادر على أخذ قراراتي بنفسي.

Mind your own business! Your constant meddling is driving me crazy.

لا تتدخّل فيما لا يعنيك! تدخّلك المستمرّ يدفعني للجنون.

Final word

Remember that expressing anger is a natural and normal part of human emotions. So it is important to keep these phrases in mind so you could express your emotions directly and honestly. Still, we encourage you to stay calm in all circumstances and not let anything get to you.

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