25 Essential Arabic Words and Phrases for Easy Travel

Arabic words for travelling

How important is Arabic when Travelling?

Hello, our dear Arabic language learners. The first thing that we think about when travelling to a country that speaks a different language is our ability to communicate with the locals. Do we have enough Arabic words? This is vital, as it ensures our safety and comfort during the trip. Furthermore, the ability to articulate some essential phrases in the Arabic language grants us the confidence to move around our temporary residence and remain highly functional. Regardless of whether the trip is for work, leisure, or studying, being conversant in the Arabic language can significantly enhance our overall experience.

In the context of Arabic, a language rich with history, culture, and diversity, your journey could be even more rewarding. Whether you’re exploring the historical sites of Egypt, the luxurious cityscape of Dubai, or the cultural wonders of Morocco, a basic understanding of Arabic is immensely helpful. From asking for directions, haggling at a local market, to ordering food at a restaurant, your attempts to communicate in Arabic can open doors, bring smiles, and foster mutual respect.

In this post, we will introduce you to some essential Arabic phrases for travel. These phrases have been carefully selected to cover various situations, including directions, transportation, accommodations, dining, and more. By learning and using these phrases, you will not only be able to navigate the Arabic-speaking world more easily, but also enrich your cultural experience and make lasting memories. Stay tuned and let’s embark on this linguistic journey together.

In addition to providing you with key Arabic phrases, this blog also includes real-life scenarios to help you apply what you’ve learned. These scenarios, set in common travel situations, are designed to offer practical demonstrations of how and when to use the phrases. 

Whether you’re trying to find your way in a bustling city, ordering a meal in a restaurant, or checking into a hotel, these scenarios will give you a realistic insight into navigating the Arabic-speaking world. The aim is to ensure that you’re not only memorizing these phrases but also understanding their context, thereby enhancing your confidence to communicate effectively during your travels. 

So, are you ready? Let’s start by looking at 25 essential Arabic words and phrases for travel, including vocabulary for directions, transportation, accommodations, and more. 

Arabic Words and Phrases for Travelling

Giving Directions

Giving Directions

When you’re in a new place, it’s important to be able to ask for directions. Here are some Arabic phrases that can help you navigate your way around:

Where is the airport?

Ayna almaṭār?

أينَ المَطار؟

Where can I find a hotel?

Ayna yumkinuny alʻuthwr ʻalá fndqin?

أينَ يُمكِنُني العُثور على فُندُقٍ؟

How far is the city from here?

Kam tbʻudu almdyntu min hunā?

كَمْ تبعُدُ المدينةُ مِن هنا؟

Does this road lead to the museum?

Hal yuʼaddī Hādhā al-ṭarīq ilá al-Matḥaf?

هل يُؤَدّي هذا الطّريقُ إلى المَتحفِ؟

Where can I find the train station?


Ayna astṭyʻu alʻthwra ʻalá mḥṭti al-Qaṭṭār?

أينَ أستطيعُ العثورَ على محطةِ القِطارِ؟

How far is the nearest restaurant from here? 

Km ybʻdu almṭʻmu al-aqrab min hunā? 

 كمْ يبعدُ المطعمُ الأقرب مِن هنا؟ 


When you’re in a new place, it’s important to be able to ask for directions. Here are some Arabic phrases that can help you navigate your way around:

Can I rent a car?

Hl yumkinuny istʼjāru syyārh?

هلْ يُمكِنُني اِستئجارُ سيّارةٍ؟

Where can I buy a bus ticket?

Min ayna ashtry tdhkarta alḥāflh?

مِن أينَ أشتَري تذكَرةَ الحافِلة؟

When does the flight depart?

Mattá tnṭlqu alrrḥlh?

مَتى تنطلقُ الرِّحلة؟

Where can I get a taxi?

Ayn yumknny alḥṣwlu ʻalá Sayyārti ujrh? 

أين يُمكنني الحُصولُ على سَيّارةِ أُجرة؟

How much is the trip to the airport?

Kam tklftu alrḥlti ilá almṭār?

كم تكلفةُ الرِّحلةِ إلى المَطارِ؟ 

When does the last train leave?

Mattá yughādr alqiṭāru al-akhīr?

متى يُغادِرُ القِطارُ الأخيرُ؟


Whether you’re staying in a hotel, hostel, or guesthouse, here are some Arabic words and phrases related to accommodations:

I want a hotel room.

Arydu ghurftan.

.أريدُ غُرفةً

Can I use my credit card here?

Hal yumknuny istkhdāmu bṭāqti alāʼtmāni hunā?

هل يُمكنُني اِستخدامُ بطاقةِ الائتمانِ هُنا؟

What is the hotel’s phone number?

Mā huwa rqmu alhātfi l-funduq?

ما هُوَ رقمُ هاتفِ الفُندُقِ؟

Is there a gym in the hotel?

Hl ywjdu fī alfndqi nādin ryāḍī?

هلْ يوجدُ في الفُندقِ نادٍ رياضيّ؟

Can I book an additional night?

Hl yumknuny ḥajzu lyltin iḍāfīyah?

هلْ يُمكنُني حَجْزُ ليلةٍ إضافيّة؟

What time is check out?

Mā mawʻdu taslīmi alghurfti?

ما مَوْعدُ تَسلِيمِ الغُرفةِ؟


Here are some additional Arabic words and phrases that can be useful for travelers:

Hello (a common Arabic greeting)



Thank you (a polite expression of gratitude)



Goodbye (a common Arabic farewell)



When does the museum close?

Matá yughliqu almatḥf?

مَتى يُغلِقُ المَتحف؟ 

Can I get a map of the city?

Hal yumknuny alḥuṣwlu ʻalá khryṭti al-Madīnah?

هل يُمكنُني الحُصولُ عَلى خَريطةِ المَدينةِ؟

Where is the way to the market?

Min ayna ṭarīqu al-Sūq?

مِنْ أَيْنَ طَرِيْقُ السوق؟

Real-life Scenarios

Scenario 1: Exploring the City

In the following four scenarios, we’ll explore some common situations a traveler may encounter while visiting an Arabic-speaking country. 

In Scenario 1, our tourist interacts with a local resident to get information about public transportation and the city’s layout.

Exploring the city


Hello! How far is the city from here?

مرحبًا، كَم تَبعُد المَدينة مِن هنا؟


The city is about 5 kilometers from here. Do you prefer to walk or use public transportation?

تَبعدُ المَدينة حوالي خَمسَةِ كيلومِترات مِن هنا، هَل تَرغبُ في السّيرِ على الأقدامِ أو اِستِخدامِ وَسائِلَ النّقلِ العامّ؟


I prefer to use public transportation. Where can I buy bus tickets?

أُفَضّلُ اِستِخدامَ وَسائِلَ النّقلِ العامِّ، مِن أَين يُمكنُني شِراء تَذاكرَ الحافِلةِ؟


You can buy bus tickets from vending machines at the bus station or inside the bus itself.

يُمكِنُكَ شِراءُ تَذاكرَ الحافِلةِ مِن أَجهِزةِ البيع الآليّ في محطّة الحافلاتِ أو داخِلَ الحافلةِ نفسِها


Thank you! Can I get a map of the city?

شُكرًا، هَل يُمكِنُني الحُصولُ عَلى خَريطةِ المَدينةِ؟


Of course! You can get a free map from the tourism office or download an app on your smartphone.

بِالطّبعِ! يُمكِنُكَ الحصولُ على خريطةٍ مَجّانيّةٍ من مَكتَبِ السّياحةِ أو تنزيلَ تطبيقٍ على هاتِفك الذكيّ

Scenario 2: At the Hotel

In Scenario 2, the tourist checks into a hotel, inquiring about room availability and payment options. These scenarios demonstrate the practical use of the essential Arabic phrases and vocabulary we learned for travelers in real-life situations. 


Hello! I want a hotel room for three days. Do you have available rooms?

مَرحبًا، أُريدُ غُرفةً لِمدّةِ ثلاثة أَيّامٍ، هل لدَيكم غُرفٌ مُتاحة؟


Yes, we have available rooms. Do you prefer a double or a single room?

نَعم، لدينا غُرفٌ مُتاحة، هل تُفضِّلُ غُرفةً مُزدوجةً أُم مُفردةً؟


I want a double room, please. Can I use my credit card here?

أُريدُ غُرفةً مزدوجةً مِن فَضلِك، هَل يُمكنُني اِستِخدامُ بِطاقةِ الائتِمان هُنا؟


Of course! You can use your credit card for payment.

بِالطّبع! يُمكنكَ اَستِخدامُ بِطاقة الائتِمان للدّفع


What is the hotel’s phone number?

ما هو رقم هاتِفِ الفُندُقِ؟


The hotel’s phone number is 123-456-7890. If you need any further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

رَقمُ هاتِفِ الفُندُقِ هو 7890-456-123. إِذا كنت بِحاجةٍ إلى أيّ مُساعدة أُخرى، لا تتردّد في الاتّصالِ بِنا.


Thank you for your help!

شكرًا لِمُساعَدتِك


Goodbye! Enjoy your stay!

وَداعًا اِستَمتِع بِإقامَتِك

Scenario 3: At the Restaurant

 Scenario 3 provides an example of a conversation a traveller might have at a hotel (You can read our full blog about Arabic phrases at the Restaurant for more examples). 


Hello! I’m a vegetarian. Do you have vegetarian options?

مرحبًا! أنا نَباتيّ، هل لديكم خياراتٌ نَباتيّةٌ؟


Yes, we have many vegetarian options. You can check the menu here.

نَعَم، لَدَينا العديدُ مِنَ الخياراتِ النّباتيّة، يُمكِنكَ الاِطّلاعُ على القائِمةِ هنا


Is this dish spicy?

هل هذا الطّبق حارٌّ؟


No, this dish is not spicy.

لا، هذا الطّبق ليس حارًّا


Great! I’d like a table for two, please.

رائع! أَودُّ طاوِلةً لِشَخصين، مِن فَضلِكَ


Of course, right this way.

بِالطّبع، تَفضّل

Scenario 4: At the Tourist Information Center

 And finally, in Scenario 4, the tourist is at the Tourist Information Center.


Hello! Can I get a map of the city?

مرحبًا، هل يُمكِنُني الحُصولُ على خَريطةِ المَدينةِ؟

IC Officer

Of course! Here is the city map. Do you need help identifying the locations?

بِالطّبع، ها هي خَريطةُ المَدينةِ، هَل تَحتاجُ إِلى مُساعدةٍ في تَحديدِ المَواقِعِ؟


Yes, please. Where is the National Museum?

نَعم، مِن فَضلِك، أَينَ المَتحفُ الوَطنيّ؟

IC Officer

It’s in the eastern part of the city. You can use the map to get there.

إنّه في الجُزءِ الشّرقيّ مِنَ المَدينةِ، يُمكِنكَ اِستِخدامُ الخَريطةِ للوصولِ إِليه

Final word

We hope this list of essential Arabic travel words and phrases has been helpful. Remember to practice your pronunciation and use these words and phrases whenever possible to improve your Arabic language skills. To help you reinforce the new Arabic words and phrases, we have crafted a special quiz that will allow you to spend more time reviewing everything you learned in this blog.

Before you set off on your journey, make sure to check our planner, which you can use to boost your learning journey. We have equipped this planner with a rich 30-page worksheet accompanied by over 200 practical exercises and activities, so it could serve as a powerful tool to back your acquired knowledge and newly learned language and push your learning journey forward with loads of practice opportunities.

Safe travels!

If you like the blog and thought the examples and scenarios are helpful, download our app for more opportunities to practice your Arabic.

Dania Ghraoui
Dania has worked as a language instructor and translator for almost 10 years. She has a special interest in the Arabic language and learning methods.
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