Arabic Word of the Day: رَأْس

word of the day

Word of the Day




Hello and Welcome to another Arabic word in our Arabic Word of the Day series, where we learn about the meanings of keywords in Arabic and their usage in the Arabic language.

Today’s word is رَأس /Raʼs/ which essentially means “Head” in English or the upper part of the human body. In this blog, we will look at the main uses of this word, its root, word collocations, synonyms, and antonyms. You will also be given examples of each different use. At the end of the blog, you will be well-equipped to use the word in different situations and contexts.

Main Meaning

The word رَأس /Raʼs/ has many uses, all of which refer to “the beginning” or “the foundation” of something.

The human head

Raʼsu alʼinsāni

رَأسُ الإِنسانِ


The word here refers to the upper part of the body.

Jamal has a headache

Yashʻuru jamālun bʼlamin fī rʼsihi

يَشعُرُ جَمالٌ بألَمٍ في رأسهِ

I have a great idea in my head

Tadūru fī raʼsī fikrtun rāʼiʻh

تَدُورُ في رأسي فِكرةٌ رائِعة

Wʼakhadha birʼsi akhyhi

(وأَخَذَ بِرأسِ أَخيهِ) قول الله في سورة الأعراف: 150

 This example is a verse from the Holy Quran and its English translation reads as follows: “and he seized his brother by (the hair of) his head” – AlA’raf:150. It refers to when Moses returned angry to his people and grabbed his brother Haron by his head.

Raʼs alṭaaryqi

رأسُ الطَّريقِ

The word رأس in this expression means the “head of the road” i.e. its starting point.

The length of the street from its head to its end is three kilometers.

Ṭūlu alshaaāriʻi min rʼsihi linhāyatihi thalāthatu kīlw mitr

طُولُ الشَّارِعِ مِن رأسِهِ لِنهايَتِهِ ثَلاثَةُ كِيلو مترات

Raʼsu aālssnh

رَأسُ السّنة

The New Year, Head of the year, or the first day of the year

People celebrate on New Year’s Eve

Yaḥtiflu alnaaāsu fī laylati raʼsi alsaanti

يَحتِفلُ النَّاسُ فِي لَيلَةِ رَأسِ السَّنةِ

Raʼsu almāli

رَأسُ المالِ

 This expression refers to capital or the financial asset with which we start a business.

The capital of this business is one hundred thousand dollars

Raʼsu māli hadhā alʻamali miʼtu alfi dwlārin

رَأسُ مالِ هَذا العَمَلِ مِئةُ ألفِ دولارٍ

Rʼsu alʻayni

رأسُ العَينِ

This Arabic phrase refers to the head of the spring, or the source from which it springs.

He drank from the head of the spring.

Shariba min raʼsi alʻayni

شَرِبَ مِن رَأسِ العَينِ


The word رأس /Raʼs/ collocates with other vocabulary to give structures that have specific meanings, such as:

Birthplace: the place of birth

Masqaṭu alrʼsi

مَسقَطُ الرأسِ


The scientist Ahmed Zewail returned to his hometown

Rajaʻa alʻālimu aḥmad Zuwayl ilá masqṭi rʼsihi

رَجَعَ العالِمُ أَحمَد زويل إلى مَسقطِ رأسِهِ

Word Root

The root of the word رأس /Raʼs/ is رئاسة /Riʼasa/ and one of the words derived from this root is the word 

رَئيس /Raʼys/ which means president. He is the leader; the president of the country is its leader.

Joe Biden is the President of the United States of America.

Jū Bāydin raʼysu alwlāyāti almuttḥidti alʼamrykyyh

جو بايدن رَئيسُ الولاياتِ المُتّحِدةِ الأَمريكيّة


The word /Raʼs/ has several synonyms in the Arabic language, such as










So it is possible to use the two words to give the same meaning. Let’s check the following example:

Example 1

The adventurer went up to the head of the mountain

Ṣaʻada almughāmiru ilá raʼsi aljabali

صَعَدَ المُغامِرُ إِلى رَأسِ الجَبَلِ

The adventurer went up to the summit of the mountain

Ṣaʻada almughāmiru ilá qimaati aljabali

صَعَدَ المُغامِرُ إِلى قِمَّةِ الجَبَلِ

Example 2

The race started from the top of the track

Badʼa alssibāqu min raʼsi almiḍmār

بَدأَ السِّباقُ مِن رَأسِ المِضمار

The race started from the beginning of the track

Badʼa alssibāqu min bdāyti almiḍmār

بَدأَ السِّباقُ مِن بدايةِ المِضمار

Example 3

I started working from the head of the month

Badʼatu alʻamala min raʼsi alshaahri

بَدأَتُ العَمَلَ مِن رَأسِ الشَّهرِ

I started working from the beginning of the month.

Badʼatu alʻamala min awaali alshaahri

بَدأَتُ العَمَلَ مِن أَوَّلِ الشَّهرِ


Finally, any word that signifies the end and the bottom of something can be used to give the opposite meaning of the word رأس /Raʼs/ “head,” such as the words “end,” “bottom,” and “last.”

I descended the mountain from its head to its bottom

Nazlatu aljabala min rʼsihi ilá asfalihi

نَزلَتُ الجَبَلَ مِن رأسِهِ إلى أَسفَلِهِ

Walk along this street from its head to its end

Sir fī Hādhā alshaaāriʻi min rʼsihi ilá nihāyatihi

سِر فِي هذا الشَّارِعِ مِن رأسِهِ إلى نِهايَتِهِ

I worked in the company from the beginning of the year to its end

ʻAmiltu fī alshaarikati min rʼsi alsaanti ilá nihāyatihā

عَمِلتُ فِي الشَّرِكَةِ مِن رأسِ السَّنةِ إلى نِهايَتِها


Finally, we hope you liked our new Arabic Word of the Day. Make sure you use it as much as possible in everyday situations. We have made sure in this blog to provide you with different ways to use the word as well as the word’s root, collocations, synonyms, and antonyms. In order to reach mastery in using the new words, remember to use them in their different forms in your daily conversations. You can also read more words here.

To get more practice, we have prepared a special Planner that you can use to speed up your learning journey. This planner offers a rich 30-page worksheet accompanied by over 200 practical exercises and activities. It will be a powerful tool to back your acquired knowledge and newly learned language and push your learning journey forward with many practice opportunities.

Best of luck and see you in another blog and more Arabic words!

Dania Ghraoui
Dania has worked as a language instructor and translator for almost 10 years. She has a special interest in the Arabic language and learning methods.
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